Sunflower Field - Carlisle PA

On our way back from NJ this week, we stopped at a dear friend’s house in Pennsylvania. I had been searching for a sunflower field and was delighted to find one just thirty minutes from her house. I don’t know if there are many things that bring me more excitement than fields of flowers: poppies, sunflowers, wild flowers on the side of the road…. you don’t know how many times I have wanted to pull over while driving because I see a pocket of beautiful wildflowers. 😂 This place felt a little bit like heaven to me. It had been raining hard for two days but the rain stopped just before sunset and we were able to make it happen. Sunflowers just scream JOY to me and I’m so grateful for these joyful memories with my friend and my babies. The icing on the cake was finding this magnificent lion’s mane sunflower. It was the only one we could find in the entire field of sunflowers. And it was perfect.


CJ Senior Photos


Cora baptism photos